Acing the ACT — How to Get the Perfect Score
The perfect score of 36 is a magic number for all the college-bound students who take the ACT. This score puts you in the top 99th percentile and opens the doors of all the colleges and universities in the US.
Every year, millions of graduating seniors (1.67 million in 2020) take this exam but only a handful (less than 1%) manage to get a composite score of 36. So, does that mean ACT is a difficult test? Let’s find out.
What is ACT?
ACT or the American College Test is a standardized test that checks college-bound students for their college readiness. This test is conducted by a non-profit of the same name. It was first introduced in the year 1959 as a competitor of SAT and back then, it tested students in English, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Natural Sciences. Now, ACT tests college readiness through individual segments of Math, English, Reading, and Science. It also has an optional Writing Test that measures the ability to plan and write a short essay.
If you take a wider perspective, the ACT is like any other standardized test with different subtests/segments. Each segment tests you for a particular ability and speaks volumes about your college readiness for a particular stream. To get a good composite score in ACT, you need to score well in every segment.
This means, you need to ace in all four segments to ace the ACT and since we are talking about four mainstream subjects, you need to work hard. It is the only magic wand that can help you get a 36 on your scorecard. So, is ACT difficult? Yes, if you do not work hard, and No, if you know how to put your head down and study till you achieve your goal.
Now, that we know there’s no substitute for hard work, let’s talk about getting that perfect ACT score. To get a 36, along with non-stop practice you need to create an action plan and learn some tricks. You will have to begin by creating a study schedule because you will be juggling the ACT curriculum with the high school curriculum and you cannot let any of them drop to the floor.
Also, your high school scores are more important than the ACT scores, therefore, you have to judiciously divide your time between both of them. Once you have a decent schedule, you can dive headfirst into the preparation. Following are some of the methods, tips, and tricks used by students who have managed to score a 36 in their ACTs in the past. Read on.
Like every good thing in life, a good score in the ACT requires practice. Do not put off your preparations till the last minute. Make a timetable and practice every day. Furthermore, you must practice with the right, good quality material. Working hard with poor-quality resources can never get you your dream score. Therefore, invest your time only in the tried and trusted resources.
After you finish a practice test, you need to analyze your score and answers to understand what you are doing wrong. This step is important to understand your weak points and improvise as you gear up for the real exam. Analyzing the practice test will also help you understand the better way to approach certain questions and will also help you with time management.
Time Management
ACT has multiple sections and you have to do well in each one of them to get a composite score of 36. And this is not possible without time management. You will have to practice tests so that you give equal time to every segment. Learning math tricks can help you wind up the math section quickly, similarly, a lot of practice will ensure that you can attempt and finish every segment in stipulated time.
Thought Process
ACT’s 4 sections need different types of thought processes. The math section needs your memory for recalling formulas and quickly applying them while the English section wants your comprehension to understand the given content and answer questions based on it. While preparing for the ACT, you need to train your mind to switch from one mode to another within seconds. If you fail to achieve that, you will either burn out before you finish the test or you will take too much time in every section and may not be able to finish the test in time.
Reading and Writing
Do not take the reading and writing section lightly. To prepare for them, read a lot of content. Read anything you can, books, newspapers, articles, research papers, and more to increase your reading speed and improve comprehension. You need to practice writing for the optional essay section. For this section, you have to work on both your writing skills and writing speed. You will have to invest time in understanding the structure of an essay and learning new impactful words to improve the quality.
Be Sure
Last but not the least, you have to be sure about your answers. You cannot earn a perfect 36 with guesswork. You will have to go that extra mile to prepare for the exam and make sure that every answer you mark on the test sheet is the right answer.
Some Smart Tips from Students
The following tips will help you when you do not know the answer. You should always have some tricks up your sleeves to save the day when you are confused or forgot a formula.
1. Choose a Letter
When you want to take a guess or guesses, choose one alphabet and stick to it. You can also choose a combination of two alphabets for your answers. This way, you stand to get more answers right. However, this is just a trick for guesswork. As already discussed, you cannot score 36 if you have to use this trick during your ACT.
2. Look for the Wrongs Answers
If you are not sure about the right answer, try to look for the wrong answers. Eliminating the wrong options can make the right answer more obvious.
3. Make a Plan
Make a plan/strategy for every segment. Before you start answering, go through all the questions and categorize them as sure answers, doubtful answers, don’t know answers. And then start by solving and answering the sure answers. Once you are done with them, then proceed to the next category.
4. Start with your Favorite Section
After you have sorted out the answers, you should start solving the test by your favorite section. This simple approach will boost your morale and will help you approach other sections with confidence.
The ACT test is meant to test your college readiness. Readiness for a place that requires, hard work, focus, and determination. So, it is only apt that you approach ACT with the same qualities. At the end of the day, it all boils down to how badly you want it. Give your best and the score of 36 may just be a matter of few attempts.